Sunday, April 27, 2014

The most common hurt seems to come from 3 areas In our lives. One is family, another is friends and the last Is our mate. There are plenty of ways to deal with this. The most effective however is breaking the problem down to the core. It s very easy to allow hatred to build up because we never seem to resolve the issue. Humans are known to sweep things under the rug and gradually take part in a common unsaid/silent agreement of just moving on.

What do I mean by unsaid? That's when both people find a way to talk to one another about something totally different but something that will spark an open door to at least have small talk. They usually tend to forget the issue between them after some time even though the issue was never resolved until they can't figure out why they get ill feelings off and on while still trying to move ahead. Big mistake and huge clue! Obviously someone needs to bring up this forbidden area and gut it like a fish! We have to learn to take the time to mend. This definitely involves examining what happened, what the reasons are and why each individual involved made the choice of actions they did.

But.......that little excuse of "I did this because you did that" needs to be removed fully and each party has to accept responsibility for their choice of action. That means, you need to mature in acceptance.Also remember no one is the victim because it takes 2 to tangle. In order for an issue to arise both people have to entertain the area of problem otherwise the issue at hand is one-sided. While that might be truein most instances it still took an action  from the opposite end for the one-sided issue to surface. Hence, both parties are still involved. What are you saying Leeah? I'm glad you asked! You will not always agree with everyone but learn to at least agree to disagree effectively. This will not only build a mutual respect for individuality but it will rid hurt that generally comes from disagreements, differences and various outlooks. Be you but don't be hurtin the process!

Hope this helps someone!
Until Later,

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